Invited Lectures
Call Dr.Beth
(602) 386-1292
“Looking through your child’s eyes changes everything”
Dr. Onufrak is a teacher at heart who loves to give presentations to parents, mental health and allied professionals and educators about early childhood mental health. These pages present a catalog of upcoming and past Invited presentations.
Dr. Onufrak’s speaking venues include:
- Arizona Psychological Association (AzPA)
Arizona Association of School Psychologists (AASP)
Arizona Association for Play Therapy (AzAPT)
Arizona State University – Master of Social Work graduate program
Aleph Bet Preschool
Children’s Services Network (CSN)
Desert Garden Montessori School
Diocese of Phoenix
East Valley Psychological Society
Jewish Family & Children’s Services / Aleinu
KidzSpot Pediatric Therapy
Lexis Preparatory School
Maricopa Integrate Health System Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Training Program
Phoenix Children’s Hospital
Phoenix Hebrew Academy
Southwest Behavioral Health
St. Joseph’s Hospital & Medical Center

Dr. Onufrak with Bonnie Doherty, Head of School at Lexis Preparatory School, April 2015 for an invited all-day parent seminar, Savvy Solutions for the School Age Child.