Call Dr.Beth
(602) 386-1292
“Looking through your child’s eyes changes everything”
Meet Dr. Beth Onufrak
Dr. Beth Onufrak is a Clinical Child Psychologist of 25 years. A respected clinician & parent educator, she is also a blogger, acclaimed speaker. Dr. Onufrak is the developer of the ChildSightTools® programming for parents of highly challenging young children.
A former Head Start consultant and Professor of Psychology, she guides parents and childhood educators from conflict to connection in the critical early years.
Dr.Beth’s Mission
- To bridge the understanding gap between young children and the adults who parent, teach and care for them.
- To help adults decode behavior to uncover children’s hidden, disguised needs and respond with compassionate competence that builds healthy brains.
- To promote positive, joyful, energizing, mutually respectful connections between adults and young children.
“Thank you for being such a wonderful doctor and compassionate caregiver.”
– Mother of 6 yr. old girl
My Philosopy of Care
Young children are the primary focus of my work in clinical intervention and parent education.
In the toddler, preschool and early elementary years, staggering amounts of change and growth unfold. It is immeasurably easier to make positive changes early in life, when developmental paths are flexible.
A thriving child:
- enjoys relationships
- learns and remembers
- meets and manages challenge
- self-regulates intense feelings
- feels inner competence, and
- has mental room for joy & creativity
Many children I meet are struggling to thrive in these ways. Their parents are exhausted, despairing and out of answers; angry at their kids … and themselves.
My central clinical task is to distinguish typical phases of development from significant emerging problems. To solve the unique puzzle of each child, I initiate a respectful down to earth collaboration.
Parents’ intimate knowledge of their own child meets my developmental tool bag. Together we blend perspectives of teachers, physicians and other professionals to create a comprehensive treatment plan for your child.
Children enjoy my office, which offers a warm playroom environment for observation and intervention. Wanting to return here is the first step toward a child having more of those “better days.”
Parent education and guidance is central to child treatment. It is often necessary to meet with parents alone. This allow us to address matters without the child present and to teach parents home interventions. Over the last several years, I’ve developed the ChildSightTools® parent programming modules to enhance and expedite therapy. Reaching families with affordable, effective high-quality parenting information is a driving priority that fuels my workshops, community presentations and online resources.

Academic Educational Credentials
As a Clinical Child Psychologist, I am trained in therapy, testing and research. While clinically trained in evaluation, assessment and treatment of adults and children of all ages, I have specialized in early childhood mental health.
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (1986), University of Rochester, Rochester New York; Phi Beta Kappa
- Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (1993), University of Florida (Gainesville), Dept. of Clinical & Health Psychology, College of Health-Related Professions; Excellence in Research Award
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (1996) in Pediatric Psychology, Department of Psychology, Indiana University (Bloomington)
- Post-Doctoral Clinical Fellowship (1997) in Pediatric Psychology, St. Joseph’s Hospital & Medical Center (Phoenix, Arizona)
- Certified in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), directly supervised by developer Dr. Sheila Eyberg; served as participant clinician in PCIT treatment efficacy research studies.
- EMDR Level one, Child Specialist trained by Ana Gomez
Professional Activities
I am a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Arizona. A clinical child psychologist of more than 25 years, this is my 20th year of private practice. I am a member of the following organizations:
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Arizona Psychological Association (AzPA)
- Children’s Services Network of Arizona
- Zero to Three National Center for Infants, Toddlers & Families
My professional activities have included:
Private Practice, Beth Onufrak, Ph.D., PC (Dr.BethKids) (2001-present)
- Member, Ethics Committee, Arizona Psychological Association (2011-2013)
- Consultant, Head Start Mental Health program, City of Phoenix (2002-2008)
- Adjunct Faculty, University of Phoenix, Masters in Counseling program (1999-2007)
- Adjunct Faculty, Arizona State University, Psychology Department;Undergraduate and Graduate (1999-2003)
- Supervisor/Director of Children’s Services, Terros, Outpatient Mental Health Department (2000-2001)
“Parents keep teaching me the same lesson:
The most profound improvement in child behavior arises when adults change their view of the child.”
– Dr. Beth Onufrak
Contact Dr. Beth
Off 16th Executive Suites 7600 North 15th Street Suite 150 Phoenix, AZ 85020
(602) 386-1292