Dr. Onufrak is retired from Clinical Therapy.
Please visit COURSES to explore
the online part of this service.
Discovery Partners is the best of both worlds
Online Course + Therapy
You’re so tired, frustrated and worried as your child’s problems grow.
You want help quickly. But time is so short.
Discovery Partners can help!
Discovery Partners gives you
Online Resources
on your own time
Customized Therapy
for your child and guidance for you
Quicker Results
in a concentrated time period

Discovery Partners is a convenient path to
• Coping skills for your child
• Parenting tools for yourself

Discovery Partners is Combination care.
It’s a hybrid of an online course and short term therapy.
Gain effective parenting skills for smoother days.
Build your child’s resilience and flexibility for everyday ups and downs.
Here’s how it works:
Do a Parents-Only Intake
Meet me on telehealth for 90 minutes to discuss your child, review questionnaires and checklists and clarify treatment goals.
Take the Course
Enroll in Cool the Tantrums, Feel the Peace. View view lessons, use memes and printabes, use the workbook and touch base with me between modules.
Start Brief Therapy
We’ll plan 5-10 sessions for child therapy, parent-only guidance, or parent & child together. These Telehealth sessions can flex as we need.
My favorite part? Clarity and detective work, understanding why he feels the way he feels.
I’m accepting and more calm. Dr. Beth was a fabulous presenter!
– Kayla T.

Discovery Partners helps your CHILD have:
fewer, shorter, and milder upsets
better listening
higher self-esteem and confidence
more joy and childlike happiness
greater control over anger and distress
safer body and calmer reactions
ability to surf the waves of life
more desire to be with you
Discovery Partners helps YOU feel:
calmer and more in control of yourself and events
more relaxed with enough energy
smoother flowing days
less friction with your child and more cooperation
a deeper compassion for your child’s struggles
relief from uncovering hidden clues your child could not express
a big shift from strain to satisfaction in parenting

Do a Parents-Only Intake with me in privacy, without your child listening.

Enjoy the videos, memes and workbook pages in Cool the Tantrums!

Telehealth at the white board with a few of my therapy buddies!
Why is this program unique?
Usually, child therapy begins with lots of parent questions.
You’re waiting for me to meet your child and figure them out.
Because we’re new to each other, this can take a while.
But when you begin with my course, therapy begins with
- many discoveries
- lots of answers and
- early improvement!
Child problems may drop by 50% in this stage.
Once therapy begins …
it takes much less time and expense than traditional private therapy.
Effective, efficient, affordable. Discovery Partners helps families quickly!

Beginning is easy.
Email me about your concerns.
We can set up a free 15-minute consultation.
If Discovery Partners is right for you, we’ll schedule and get rolling.