Dr. Onufrak RETIRED from clinical therapy in 2023.
Site updates are coming! Get parent supports here as always.
Child Therapy Services
Dr. Onufrak begins care with children 3-7 years old. She may, under certain circumstances, start treatment with slightly younger or older children. After the initial problem improves, she welcomes children back with new issues that development can bring. Some children remain in her care up to age 12.
Call Dr.Beth
(602) 386-1292
“Looking through your child’s eyes changes everything”
He is doing great! He just started Kindergarten and seems to be doing much better with his peers … I want you to know how grateful I am for your tips and tricks, advice referrals and hard work with H. You are amazing!”
– Mother of 5-year old boy

Diagnostic Evaluation
“Is it normal for a child to do that?” “Is this something she will grow out of?” “Does he have our family anxiety?”
A diagnostic evaluation determines whether a child’s difficulties reflect the basic challenges of normal development or an emerging clinical problem.
Dr. Onufrak takes a gentle, conservative approach with young people, looking through a developmental lens first.
- Parents-Only Intake session
- Child interview & observation
- Parent & Teacher inventories
- Phone conference with teacher & school staff (with parent permission)
- On-site observation at school or daycare (if indicated)
- Parent Treatment Planning session
- Written report with recommendations
Child Psychotherapy
Dr. Onufrak addresses problems such as these with several methods:
- Child and parent-child therapy
- Parent-only visits for treatment planning and guidance
- Extensive use of toys & puppets for engaging, memorable interventions
- Coordination with school staff
- Defiance, aggression, noncompliance
- Inattention & Hyperactivity
- Mood problems (sadness, anger)
- Anxiety (worry, meltdowns, habits)
- Grief/ loss and Social challenges
- School & day care behavior issues
- Mild Autistic spectrum issues
- Sensory challenges
- Coping w/pediatric & family illness
*Please see Divorce Resources page for a directory of forensic providers.
“You’re taking your child to a shrink?”
Read Dr. Beth’s post on A Child in Mind